General – Page 23 – God of the Machine
Jul 132002

I was listening to Wish You Were Here for probably the 457th time the other day when I suddenly realized I didn’t understand it. I quote, for late arrivals from Venus:

So, do you think you can tell
Heaven from hell,
Blue skies from pain?
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

I follow so far. But the Floyd continues:

Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk-on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

Charting this up, we have:

hot ashes
hot air
cold comfort
walk-on part in the war
New Item
cool breeze
lead role in a cage

How come I understood this the first 456 times?

Jul 122002

Mac vs. PC, not that other war. Den Beste already has an excellent post on what silly zealots the Mac cultists are, Jason Rubenstein explains why the whole argument is stupid, and Jane Galt chips in a few snide remarks about Apple’s ridiculous new ad campaign. I have nothing to add on those points. Instead I want to examine the historical origins of this conflict.

Part of it is the Jobs Cult of Personality (at Apple they used to call it the Jobs Reality Distortion Field), to which the Darth Vaderish aspects of his chief rival also contribute. Jobs used to say that the problem with Microsoft is that “they have no taste,” which is it in a nutshell. You can use a Mac like all the other different-thinking artsy-fartsy cool dudes and dudettes, or you can use Windows like a square-toed troglodyte Dockers-wearing lame-ass corporate suckbutt. Who do you want to be? Me neither. (Full Disclosure: I run a Linux server, because it’s good for serving web sites securely, and Windows 2000 desktop machine at home right now. But my first few computers were Macintoshes, and I quite liked them.) The Mac cult, like many cults, had a kernel of truth in it. For a long time the Mac OS and Windows really were different. One had a Finder, the other didn’t. One had a cute little trash can (that bulged when you threw stuff away!), the other didn’t. One had easily moveable overlapping windows, the other didn’t. One looked good, the other didn’t. For ordinary users Macs were better, once.

Then Windows 95 came along, with overlapping windows, and a pseudo-Finder, and a trash can on the desktop, even if it didn’t bulge when it had stuff in it. It still crashed all the time, but so did the Mac. But for ordinary users there wasn’t much to choose then, and seven years later there still isn’t.

Why, then, does the cult persist? My theory has to do with the history of computer science itself, which has been punctuated by, has in fact almost entirely consisted of, religious wars. One of the first famous comp sci flame wars was begun by the great Edsger Dijkstra, in 1968, with the classic Go to Statement Considered Harmful. Dijkstra actually argued that gotos were overused, not that they should be uniformly proscribed. But the flames flew: gotos made certain loops easier to read; what about error blocks? and on and on. Computer scientists gripe about Dijkstra’s paper to this day. And since gotos it’s been one war after another: compiled languages vs. interpreted languages, weak typing vs. strong typing, procedural programming vs. object-oriented programming, Waterfall vs. Extreme Programming vs. Scrum vs. Objectory vs. Booch, C++ vs. Java, every flavor of UNIX vs. every other flavor, .NET vs. J2EE.

This characterizes all immature fields, because nobody knows anything. We don’t have religious wars over how to build internal combustion engines because we know how to build them. But nobody knows anything about how computer languages are supposed to work, and nobody knows anything about user interfaces either. Few people can opine about the relative merits of single or multiple inheritance; but everyone who uses a computer can opine on the interface, and everyone does. End-user squabbles over interface are largely the trickle-down effect of geek squabbles over everything else. And since we geeks don’t know a hell of a lot more now than we did in 1968, expect the wars to go on for a good while yet.

Jul 122002

Meditation on Statistical Method

Plato, despair!
We prove by norms
How numbers bear
Empiric forms,

How random wrong
Will average right
If time be long
And error slight;

But in our hearts
Curves and departs
To infinity.

Error is boundless.
Nor hope nor doubt,
Though both be groundless,
Will average out.

–J.V. Cunningham

Jul 062002

I drew a fair amount of heat, largely justified, for my first post on this subject, which you can read if you like, but I’d rather you didn’t. It’s flippant and smart-alecky and wasn’t really what I wanted to say. I leave it up because I believe in eating my own dog food.

Marriage is a contract. I’m a libertarian, I like contracts. Every contract made and adhered to, excepting the occasional mob hit, is one more small step out of the ooze. Marriage also promotes a division of labor, especially useful for raising children. (Modern feminism is, among other things, an attack on the division of labor.) My dad wrote in reply to my last that “some few of us think that such old-fashioned, two-parent families are the best basis for a good society. We also wish to inculcate such values in our children — a task at which I have obviously failed.” That isn’t true, but I understand how I conveyed that impression.

But people seem to think there’s something too…too cold-blooded, I suppose, about a contract. So we make a big mystic fuss about sexual attraction, the worst possible reason to get married. In countless popular books and movies a character will ask, “But do you love him (her)?” — as if an affirmative were absolutely decisive or it was even clear what the question meant. I don’t knock sexual attraction: it’s necessary for a successful marriage. Just far from sufficient.

We also treat marriage as a sacrament, which is a sure-fire way to screw anything up. The parties to a marriage ought to be able to terminate it by mutual consent, like any other contract. (Liberal divorce laws have their disadvantages but it’s hard not to think that they’ve contributed to human happiness on the whole.) Everyone in the Western world believes that by now, which a look at the divorce rate ought to confirm, yet people still stand up in church and pledge fidelity until “death do us part.”

So I don’t oppose marriage. I just think we’d do a better job with it if we were a little more honest about it.

Jul 052002

The charming (and lovely, I’m sure) Susanna Cornett, proprietor of the charming and lovely Cut on the Bias, writes:

Now, what I want you to blog about…What it is about women that you don’t understand, do understand and appreciate, and do understand and don’t appreciate. This is not limited at all to romantic involvements, although you can go there if you wish. Also, how a society run by women would look and act. You can’t crap out in two graphs, either.

Fortunately Susanna forgot to ban doggerel.

Hogamous, higamous,
Men are polygamous.
Higamous, hogamous,
Women are monogamous.
–William James

George Bernard Shaw argued in Man and Superman — Shaw argued a lot in his plays — that because women derive all the benefit from marriage they ought to chase men instead of the other way round.

Shaw has a point. Marriage offers women companionship, economic support, sexual fidelity and child-rearing assistance, including sperm donation. Marriage offers men companionship and a steady sex partner. Of course these benefits are theoretical; your mileage may vary. And while it’s true that economic support isn’t what it used to be, it’s also true that steady sex partners are a lot easier to find out of wedlock these days. (Women used to be able to encourage men to marry by withholding sex. But that was before the sexual revolution. Of all the stupid things the feminists did to damage women, encouraging premarital sex in the name of “liberation” may have been the stupidest.) Marriage was a bad deal for men in Shaw’s day and it may be a worse deal now. So you have to wonder, why do men marry at all?
Continue reading »

Jul 042002

Joel Spolsky explains why IBM spends millions on open source software and why TransMeta hired Linus Torvalds and many other mysteries in this excellent piece. The scales fall from your eyes when you realize that software companies are trying to commoditize the complements of their products. Except Sun. Even Joel doesn’t understand Sun.