How Much Weed Is in a Joint? – God of the Machine
Oct 292002

William F. Buckley reports on the raging controversy:

The major battleground next week is in Nevada, where people will vote on Question 9. If the vote is affirmative, in 2004 a constitutional ratifying amendment will be on the ballot which would legalize pot, which is to say, permit 3-ounce packets of it to be sold with impunity. How much is three ounces? On that point, as on so many others raised by Question 9, there is disagreement. The pro-pot people claim that the allowance is only enough to make up 80 joints. The antis insist it’s enough to make 250 joints.

WFB, dude, that all depends on whether you’re rolling bombers or pinners. (Link from Spoons via Wickens.)

  29 Responses to “How Much Weed Is in a Joint?”

  1. There is an urban myth that all the tobacco companies have patented product lines ready to go: Marlboro "Jays", Camel "Doobies", Winston "Splifs", etc., so that as soon as it’s legal, just wait a couple weeks and then pop into your corner convenience store for a pack of Salem "Fatties". Do you think this is true?

  2. Doubt it. "Project Blunt" would be hard to keep secret and awful publicity for the cigarette companies if leaked. On the other hand, their public image couldn’t be much worse. It could also get them in legal trouble, even if run, as one would expect, in a foreign country and through several layers of intermediaries to create plausible deniability. The potential benefits aren’t so large either: a few months head start in the business maybe, that’s about all. How tough can it be for a multinational corporation to set up a dope-growing infrastructure from scratch?

  3. can u give me the prices of weed like how much is in a ounce and how much it is. can u just give me a price list and some pic of what the weed looks like in the packs

  4. you are all stupied you have no clue about the weed world its alot more complaicated so shut the hell up

  5. In England its 10 for a tenth, 20 eigth, 40 quew, 60 half, 110 a ounze 7:-). Dam cheap for a good night compaird to alchole and much less harmfull health risks

  6. how much is an oce in america?

  7. i have 2 questions if weed is o medical why can’t teenagers smoke it to take their problems away, and also how much is 10 pounds of weed in canada.

  8. wat??? 20 and eigth?? you must got some dirt for ganga in England…a nice eigth, dank eigth, is about 35-40 depending on the strength, ive smoked weed that so strong it sells for 65 an eigth….

  9. wat??? 20 and eigth?? you must got some dirt for ganja in England…a nice eigth, dank eigth, is about 35-40 depending on the strength, ive smoked weed that so strong it sells for 65 an eigth….

  10. Can someone please tell me how much weed goes into a dime bag,1/8,half ounce!!!!1

  11. lol weirdo’s, if your talking bout rocky your prices are wellllll to high .. and skunk doesnt get more expensive depending on its strength at all! haha

  12. how much weed is there in a dime bag?

  13. you must ave some good shit to b paying that much i live in merseyside and we get ounce 4 40 quid

  14. i dont give a fuck wat none of in this site say ill smoke the fucking lot of under anyday

  15. we all get our shit for free. WE GROW. hell yessss
    thats the way to do it. we gro white widdow. some seriously strong shit.

  16. eveyone on this site is gay becuase they cant fucking type.
    who cares about how much weed is an a dime bag. you guys are such amatuers!!!!

  17. i smoke an ounce a day!!! im rick james bitch!!! NIGGER

  18. 0.7 of a gram is in a dime bag, but if ur not a cheap ass u should usually put 0.8 or 0.9, and sometimes even a whole gram.

  19. all yall r gay penis’s


  21. all you bitchs are stupid grow it its free

  22. i buy a five a day and i get it for 1.0 gram full on, i have three drug dealers round my ends in wolverhampton so i can get it when the fuck i want

  23. lifes a bitch and then you die so FUCK THE WORLD AND ALL GET HIGH, me i toke on an eigth a day and my shit is powy from park vilage, so fuk ya’ll

  24. all you lot on this website are fucking bag heads and obviously have nothing better to do……

  25. all you lot on this website are fucking bag heads and obviously have nothing better to do……

  26. FUk… how much is in a dime… well how dumb can you be… ten fuking $$ worth of weed.

    ‘Bag heads’? nothing better to do eh? wtf are you doing here then.

  27. Ok, for the medicinal question, I think it’s for people getting chemotherapy treatment for cancer, because this causes great amounts of nasea, and marijuana helps nasea.
    And another thing, why can’t the people on this board chill the fuck out, if you’re smokers.

  28. lol silly people you want to know how much weed is in an 1/8….theres a eighth of an ounce of weed in an “1/8”. 0.0078125 of a lb or 3.54 grams…if you want a visual of that grab some grass clippings or something and stuff it in a bag and weigh it or something or buy some weed its great stuff…

  29. You guys are all newbs.
    Real street price for Med-High BC Bud

    1/8 = 3.5g
    1/4 = 7g
    1/2 = 14g
    1 = 28g
    16 = P
    448g = P
    2.2P = 1K


    1/2 Gram = 5 [10.0$/pg]
    1 Gram = 10 (10) [10.0$/pg]
    2 Grams = 15-20 (20) [10.0$/pg]

    1/8 = 25-30 (30) [8.57$/pg]30
    1/4 = 45-55 (55) [7.14$/pg]50
    1/2 = 80-90 [6.07$/pg]85
    1 = 140-180 [5.00$/pg]140

    Weight= Price (Best) [Price per gram]weight of ppg

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