Neologism Shoutout – God of the Machine
Mar 222003

Tom Wolfe coined “plutography,” which deserves to be in wider use, to describe television shows like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and magazines like Architectural Digest. Our new weapons are mind-blowing, to be sure, and I’m happy we have them, but there is something unseemly about the way the TV reporters slobber over them. So what’s a suitable analogous coinage? Paging Dr. Weevil

  5 Responses to “Neologism Shoutout”

  1. Yes, "slobber" is exactly the right word. As for your word, how about "fulminolatry?"

  2. Hoploeroticism?

  3. Armorphilia?

  4. Xiphophilia?

  5. I’ve heard "warnography," from a blogger who runs a site focused on a different kind of -ography.

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